Puffy's Saga --------------------------- Trainer Features ---------------- As you saw mentioned +16 features but you can only choose nine of the features in the trainer screen. The rest are keys which you can press while playing the game. They go as follows: REMEMBER: you need one magic gom to be able to cheat.... 10. When you press S,E,A at the same time you jump to the next level. 11. pressing F gives you fire to shoot 12. pressing M has as result that the ghosts are running slower. 13. pressing H gives you extra energy 14. pressing F5 results a map of the game 15. pressing S gives you more speed 16. you need 2 magic goms and DEL to change the level. Features originally in the game: ------------------------------- When you press F7 you can save the game and reload it with F7 when you have the presentation screen in front of you. Pressing P gives you pause and while you are in the pause mode you can quit the game by pressing Q. -END-