Yes it is time once again...

It is time to dig into your closets, garage, attic, or heck.. maybe even your living room entertainment cabinet to bring forth the video gaming goodness! Blow the dust off, check the connections, get good RF cables and carefully hand pick your favorite games to share with your fellow enthusiasts and the public at large!

It is time for the Oklahoma Video Game Exhibition to return for it's seventh event!

It is with honor and much pleasure that I officially announce the 2010 OVGE!!

The When: October 23rd, 2010 (That's a Saturday...)

The Place: Spirit Bank Event Center (Cause we really like the way they do things...)

The Times: Setup for Vendors and Exhibitors begins on Friday Oct. 22nd from 8am to 10pm. (We never have enough time for setup and hanging out...)
The OVGE opens to the public on Saturday Oct. 23rd, from 9am to 5pm. (Not too early and it ends before dinner. Excellent Yes!? )

Admission: Is $5 (USD) per person ages 8 and over. (That means the youngsters get off cheap... )

Tables Prices: We are simplifying this year and all tables will be $50 each. No limit on how many you may need as there are plenty available! That will include access to power and skirting.

More details can be found at:

Send any questions, concerns, and general comments to:

Send E-mail's here

We look forward to you seeing you at the 2010 OVGE!