SNAFU Intellivision Cartridge Instructions (For 1 or 2 Players) The contest is on! Create a maze to corner your opponents...before you are cornered yourself. Split-second reflexes keep your trail in motion -- while blocking your opponent and/or the computer in a trap from which there is no escape. Or direct a hungry serpent after your opponent, and bite his tail off before he bites yours. It's a twisting tangle which only the swift survive. 16 game variations put you in control. OBJECT OF THE GAMES Trap Games (12 variations) -- To keep your trail moving without colliding -- and to block your opponents' trails so that they are forced into collisions. Trails that collide with others, with the edge of the picture, with obstacles or themselves are eliminated. Bite Games (4 variations) -- To make contact between the head of your serpent and the tail of your opponent's serpent, "biting" off one link with each contact. The winner is the surviving serpent. WHEN YOU SEE THE GAME TITLE, SELECT YOUR GAME SPEED. Fastest -- Press Disc. Medium Fast -- Press Key 1. Medium -- Press Key 2. Slow -- Press Key 3. TRAP GAMES PICK YOUR GAME VARIATION Key in the number for the Trap game variation you want. (See table below.) Then press ENTER. SELECT NUMBER OF ROUNDS Key in any number from 1 to 99. Then press ENTER. During Trap games, the number of rounds remaining is shown as a white digit in the lower left corner of the screen. BEFORE THE ACTUAL START OF ANY GAME, YOU CAN RETURN TO THE TITLE FRAME AND START OVER BY PRESSING ANY SIDE BUTTON ON EITHER HAND CONTROLLER. GAME VARIATION 1 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical Number of Trails: 4 Trails (After Hit): Disappear Obstacles: NO GAME VARIATION 2 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical Number of Trails: 4 Trails (After Hit): Remain Obstacles: NO GAME VARIATION 3 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical Number of Trails: 2 Trails (After Hit): Disappear Obstacles: NO GAME VARIATION 5 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical/Diagonal Number of Trails: 4 Trails (After Hit): Disappear Obstacles: NO GAME VARIATION 6 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical/Diagonal Number of Trails: 4 Trails (After Hit): Remain Obstacles: NO GAME VARIATION 7 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical/Diagonal Number of Trails: 2 Trails (After Hit): Disappear Obstacles: NO GAME VARIATION 9 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical Number of Trails: 4 Trails (After Hit): Disappear Obstacles: YES GAME VARIATION 10 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical Number of Trails: 4 Trails (After Hit): Remain Obstacles: YES GAME VARIATION 11 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical Number of Trails: 2 Trails (After Hit): Disappear Obstacles: YES GAME VARIATION 13 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical/Diagonal Number of Trails: 4 Trails (After Hit): Disappear Obstacles: YES GAME VARIATION 14 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical/Diagonal Number of Trails: 4 Trails (After Hit): Remain Obstacles: YES GAME VARIATION 15 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical/Diagonal Number of Trails: 2 Trails (After Hit): Disappear Obstacles: YES ALL GAME VARIATIONS CAN BE PLAYED BY ONE OR TWO PEOPLE HOW TO PLAY TRAP GAMES The only control you use in the Direction Disc. The left hand controller directs the Red trail; the right hand controller directs the Blue trail. Yellow and Tan trails are directed by the computer. If you do not touch one Direction Disc, the computer will direct that trail. Once you touch a Disc, YOU have control of that trail for the rest of the round. After a game first starts, the computer randomly selects the direction in which your trail starts to move. Trail responds to your pressure on the Disc after it had moved one square. Your trail will not respond if you try to change direction to the exact opposite of your present movement, since this would cause you to have a head-on collision with yourself. GAME STRATEGY Direct your trail so that it always has room to keep moving freely. At the same time, try to block your opponents so that they are forced into a collision. If a trail collides with the edge of the picture, with an obstacle, with another trail or with part of itself, it is eliminated from the round. Depending on game variation, eliminated trails may disappear or remain on screen as additional obstacles. OBSTACLES In game variations where obstacles occur, these appear as different colored objects scattered about the screen. The computer randomly sets the number and position of obstacles for each round of a game with this variation. DIAGONAL MOVEMENT In game variations that allow diagonal movement, you can cross a diagonal trail when moving diagonally yourself. However, the intersection must be between links. If you are about to crash, you will hear a BEEP one square before collision. Blue trail will be warned with a HIGH beep. Red trail will be warned with a LOW beep. SCORING When a trail collides and is eliminated, all other surviving trails are awarded one point. If two trails collide simultaneously, both are eliminated and neither receives a point. Any other surviving trails, however, receive two points. Points are accumulated throughout the number of rounds set at the beginning of the game (up to 99). Points are displayed along the bottom of the screen, in the color of the trails. MUSIC The computer music lets you know that the current round of play had reached the "showdown" stage -- a battle between the last two existing trails. If you are playing a 2-trail variation of the game, you will hear the music throughout the entire round of play. Music also signals you when the game is over. AT THE END OF A GAME, YOU CAN RETURN TO THE TITLE FRAME TO START OVER BY PRESSING ANY SIDE BUTTON ON EITHER HAND CONTROLLER. BITE GAMES PICK YOUR GAME VARIATION Key in the number for the Bite game variation you want. (See table below.) Then press ENTER. Game starts immediately. GAME VARIATION 4 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical Obstacles: NO GAME VARIATION 8 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical/Diagonal Obstacles: NO GAME VARIATION 12 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical Obstacles: YES GAME VARIATION 16 Movement: Horizontal/Vertical/Diagonal Obstacles: YES ALL BITE GAME VARIATIONS ARE 2-PLAYER GAMES, WITH 2 SERPENTS. BEFORE THE ACTUAL START OF ANY GAME, YOU CAN RETURN TO THE TITLE FRAME AND START OVER BY PRESSING ANY SIDE BUTTON ON EITHER HAND CONTROLLER. HOW TO PLAY BITE GAMES The only control you will use is the Direction Disc. Left hand controller directs the Red serpent; right hand controller directs the Blue serpent. BITE GAMES ARE 2-PLAYER GAMES. If you leave either serpent to the computer's control, that serpent will travel back and forth across the screen until it eventually eats itself. When game starts, computer randomly selects the direction of movement for both serpents. Serpents respond to Disc direction after they have moved one square. GAME STRATEGY Maneuver your serpent to make contact between the head of your serpent and the end of your opponent's serpent's tail, "biting" off one link. Each serpent starts with 10 links. A serpent can grow a new link (up to a maximum length of 20), if it is not bitten within a certain length of time. The time required to grow a new link depends on the speed at which you are playing. Fast speed -- approx. 20 seconds Medium Fast speed -- approx. 27 seconds Medium speed -- approx. 33 seconds Slow speed -- approx. 40 seconds If a serpent runs into the edge of the picture and doubles back on itself, it will lose one link. Display at the bottom of the screen shows how many links each serpent has left. The game is over when a serpent loses all its links. The winner is the surviving serpent. OBSTACLES In game variations where obstacles occur, these appear as different colored objects scattered about the screen. The computer randomly sets the number and position of obstacles for each round of a game with this variation. If a serpent runs into an obstacle, it will change direction of movement. COMPUTER MUSIC SIGNALS YOU WHEN THE GAME IS OVER. AT THE END OF A GAME, YOU CAN RETURN TO THE TITLE FRAME TO START OVER BY PRESSING ANY SIDE BUTTON ON EITHER HAND CONTROLLER. ---------- (c)1981, 1998 Intellivision Productions, Inc. Play this game on the INTELLIVISION LIVES! CD-ROM available at