SEA BATTLE Intellivision Cartridge Instructions (For 2 Players) "General quarters! General quarters!" All hands man your battle stations! Enemy ships off the port bow. You and your opponent are warring fleet Admirals. Check enemy position on the Strategy Chart. Deploy battleship, submarine & PT boat. Stand by to engage enemy! Check your bearings on the Battle Chart - commence firing!!! Dispatch second squadron to repel enemy attackers approaching home base. The battle rages on for naval supremacy!! OBJECT OF THE GAME is to employ battle strategy to engage and sink enemy ships. Victory goes to the player who commands his troop transport or aircraft carrier into opponent's harbor during the strategy phase. (If both players have lost these ships, then any other ship can take the harbor and win!) EXAMINE YOUR CONTROLS [1] AIRCRAFT CARRIER [2] TROOP TRANSPORT [3] BATTLESHIP [4] SUBMARINE [5] DESTROYER [6] PT BOAT [7] MINE LAYER [8] ENGAGE/RETREAT: Engage or Battle Retreat [9] MINE SWEEPER [clear] CREATE: To Select Ships [0] STOP: Stops Controlled Ships [enter] DEPLOY: Deploys Squadron/Switches Command Upper Side Buttons -- AIM: Identify Enemy Targets Lower Side Buttons -- FIRE: Fire Guns & Torpedoes DISC: Moves Squadron & Crosshair TWO BATTLE PHASES STRATEGY: In the Strategy Phase, opponent's home bases are shown on your TV screen in different colors on opposite sides of an island dotted ocean. Players deploy fleets from their harbor, lay mines, maneuver into combat position, repair and regroup fleets. In the Strategy Phase, all ships are the same shape. To differentiate one navy from another, opposing fleets face in opposite directions and are different colors. Fleets that hit islands or the sides of the TV screen stop and wait for your directional command. There's no damage to a fleet hitting land in this phase. COMBAT: In the Combat Phase, the battle zone and one fleet from each navy are enlarged on your screen. Opponent's engage in ship- to-ship warfare. Types of ships now become visible. You know your opponent's strength! And he knows yours!!! Keep ships away from land. In this phase running aground will damage or possibly sink the ship. THE FLEET YOU COMMAND SHIP'S CHARACTERISTICS: Both players have 13 ships to form up to four fleets. Each type of ship has different strengths and weaknesses. For example, even though a PT boat can be sunk with only one hit, it's fast, can dodge most enemy fire, and delivers a strong punch! A troop transport has weak armaments, but is able to take several hits. Check ships' characteristics on the following chart. With a little practice, you'll know which ships to deploy for certain strategy moves. KNOW YOUR SHIPS (The following chart lists information about the individual ships, and shows ships' relative characteristics. The most helpful comparison might be between weapon strength and ship's resilience. Subtract one ship's weapon strength from another ship's resilience. The higher number determines whether a ship will sink or withstand one attack. Examples: A troop transport with weapon strength of 7, will sink a PT boat with resilience of 5. But if a sub with strength 20 hits a mine sweeper, resilience 20, the latter won't sink until the next hit. Players each have 13 ships.) AIRCRAFT CARRIER Number of Ships: 1 Speed: 30 knots Resilience: 25 moderate armor Weapon Type: Gun Weapon Strength: 10 moderate Weapon Range: long Acceleration & Maneuverability: slow TROOP TRANSPORT Number of Ships: 1 Speed: 30 knots Resilience: 25 heavy armor Weapon Type: Gun Weapon Strength: 7 weak Weapon Range: very short Acceleration & Maneuverability: sluggish BATTLESHIPS Number of Ships: 2 Speed: 35 knots Resilience: 30 very heavy armor Weapon Type: Gun Weapon Strength: 12 strong Weapon Range: long Acceleration & Maneuverability: average SUBMARINE Number of Ships: 1 Speed: 35 knots Resilience: 15 light armor Weapon Type: Torpedo Weapon Strength: 20 very strong Weapon Range: very long Acceleration & Maneuverability: quick DESTROYERS Number of Ships: 3 Speed: 40 knots Resilience: 15 light armor Weapon Type: Gun Weapon Strength: 9 moderate Weapon Range: moderate Acceleration & Maneuverability: quick PT BOATS Number of Ships: 2 Speed: 40 knots Resilience: 5 none Weapon Type: Torpedo Weapon Strength: 12 strong Weapon Range: short Acceleration & Maneuverability: very quick MINE LAYER Number of Ships: 1 Speed: 20 knots Resilience: 15 light armor Weapon Type: Gun Weapon Strength: 6 weak Weapon Range: very short Acceleration & Maneuverability: average MINE SWEEPER Number of Ships: 2 Speed: 30 knots if not activated/15 if sweeping Resilience: 20 light armor Weapon Type: Gun Weapon Strength: 6 weak Weapon Range: very strong Acceleration & Maneuverability: average Notes: * Resilience is amount of damage a ship can take before sinking (mines, collisions, torpedoes, shells). * Weapon Strength is amount of damage a ship delivers. Mines give a relative damage of 20 (example: one mine would sink a PT boat). Hitting land results in relative damage of 12 (in one second). FORM YOUR FLEETS: You can deploy a fleet with one, two or three different ships in it. (You can deploy a 1 ship fleet.) Press CREATE, enter 1-3 ships individually on the keypad, press DEPLOY. You'll hear a buzz if you try to enter two of the same kind of ships in one fleet, or if that ship's already deployed or sunk. Your flagship is the first ship you enter. If the first ship is destroyed, the second becomes the flagship. CONTROL YOUR FLEETS: In the Strategy Phase, you control only one fleet at a time: the one that's flashing. To switch command from fleet to fleet, press DEPLOY until the fleet you want to move flashes. Now press the edge of the DIRECTION DISC in the direction you want the fleet to move. Once the fleet is moving, you can let up on the DISC. The fleet will continue in that direction until you press STOP. FLEET SPEED: The fleet speed is as fast as its slowest ship. Larger ships accelerate more slowly to top speed than smaller ships. They also turn and stop more slowly. MINES, GUNS, TORPEDOES Torpedoes from the submarine are the most powerful offensive weapons. The PT boat's torpedo packs less of a wallop. Torpedoes hit anything in their path up to the crosshair position so it's only necessary to aim beyond the target. Gun strength varies from ship to ship (see chart above). Gun range is all important. If you aim in front of, or beyond the enemy, you'll hear a splash when the salvo hits the water. Shells only hit the targeted position. The mine layer can lay four mine fields, one at a time, in the course of the game. To lay a mine field, first command the fleet with the mine layer in it. Push the mine layer button on the keypad and the mine is invisibly placed at the fleet's current location. You'll hear a buzz if there's no mine layer in that fleet, or if you attempt to lay more than 4 mine fields. Remember where you placed your mines. Mines are only effective in the Strategy Phase, and are active until swept. Mines detonate when the opponent's flagship cruises over the mine. There's an explosion and the flagship is damaged or sinks. Whether or not the ships sinks depends on that ship's resilience (see chart) and the number of hits already incurred (weakening that ship's resilience). Mines continue to blast as long as the fleet stays in the mine field. Get out of the area fast! Mine Sweeper: Each player has two mine sweepers to protect its fleet from four enemy mine fields. To activate mine sweeper, first control fleet it's in. Then push mine sweeper button on the keypad, and control with Disc. Activated mine sweepers move slowly and mines are removed silently. (To de-activate sweeper, push STOP.) Important: You cannot lay or sweep a mine if you are operating the disc. First let up on the disc, proceed to lay a mine or activate a sweeper, then resume using the disc. READY, AIM, FIRE!!! In the Strategy Phase, when you hear the call-to-battle stations, two opposing fleets are in combat range. These fleets flash and all ship motion temporarily stops. If neither player wants to engage in battle, after a few seconds, the fleets automatically begin moving again. BUT if either player presses ENGAGE, the game goes to the Combat Phase... Your ability to maneuver the controls, take aim and dodge enemy fire - all at the same time - makes the difference between victory and defeat. CONTROL SHIP: During the Combat Phase, you control only one ship at a time. Control is initially set on the flagship. Press DIRECTION DISC to move the ship. Release Disc and the ship glides to a stop. To control another ship, press that ship's button on the keypad, then move it with the Disc. All other ships stop. TARGET THE ENEMY: Press AIM, and the crosshair is activated and appears on the TV screen. Move it away from the ship by holding down AIM BUTTON and pressing the Disc at the same time. The crosshair moves a maximum distance, equal to that ship's weapon range. Important: Release AIM button before firing. If the enemy ship is beyond range, release AIM and press the Disc only. This moves the ship and the extended crosshair. Once you're in range, press AIM and the Disc to control crosshair again. When the crosshair is over the enemy ship, press the FIRE button. Crosshair disappears and you see the weapon being fired. (Whenever you want crosshair to disappear, press STOP, change control to another ship, or fire weapon.) RETREATING: You're face to face with the enemy on the Combat Chart. His strength is overpowering. Take evasive action! Press RETREAT and you'll hear the retreat sound. Press your Direction Disc to dodge enemy fire. After 15 seconds, chart goes back to the Strategy Phase. REPAIR & REGROUP FLEET: You want to repair ships that lost resilience by taking hits and running into land. Or after seeing enemy strength, you want to regroup and deploy a different combination of ships. In either case, steer the fleet into you harbor in the Strategy Phase, push STOP. Now deploy your new fleet. Partially damaged ships are as good as new. Mine layers, however, do not re-load. No matter how many times they're brought back for repairs, they lay four mine fields total. You can repair and/or regroup 3 times only! LET'S PLAY SEA BATTLE! ACTIVATE SCREEN 1. Tap the DIRECTION DISC once and the Strategy Phase chart appears on your TV screen. Sonar beeps get you in the mood for Sea Battle... FORM YOUR FLEETS 2. Press CREATE [clear], then enter 1-3 ships. Press DEPLOY [enter]. The first fleet now appears in your harbor. If you change your mind before pressing DEPLOY, just push CREATE and begin again. IMPORTANT: All ships look alike. Remember what ships you deploy! 3. Press the edge of the Direction Disc and move the fleet out of your harbor. Remember, you don't have to keep pressing the Disc. It will continue in one direction until you press STOP. Decide on your strategy. Hold other fleets in the harbor until later, or deploy another fleet now. 4. Protect your home base! Lay a mine just outside the harbor. Or lay one on the approach path. Lure enemy into mine zone. ENGAGE IN BATTLE 5. Call-to-battle stations! Fleets are flashing. Press ENGAGE [8]. You've got a battleship, the enemy has a submarine. You've got more resilience, but he's got torpedo strength. Battle it out. 6. Press AIM [upper side button] and zero in on his ship. You've backed him into land. He's losing resilience. 7. Enemy has your ship in his site, he fires... Outmaneuver him. Move your ship before the weapon hits that spot! 8. Target the sub, press FIRE!!! [lower side button]. You can't aim again until the shot disappears. You're vulnerable. Watch out. His torpedo is passing dangerously close. 9. You scored a direct hit!!! The sub is blown out of the water in the midst of explosion. Cease fire. You've won this battle. 10. After either ship is sunk, the battle automatically goes back to the Strategy Chart on the TV screen. Now go for his home base!!! WINNING BATTLE STRATEGY Learn the ship's characteristics, employ strategy plays, and be quick with the controls. Remember what ships you've deployed. One or two fleets are easier to remember at a time. Hold fleet in reserve to protect home base. Try to guess enemy ships in the Strategy Phase. Watch their speed, how they move. For example, if they move erratically, they could be laying mines. Decide on one approach channel to enemy harbor. There's less chance of hitting mines. A ship with strong resilience might want to stay in target position, take a hit from the enemy, then shoot at him before he has time to aim again. Remember opponent's ships and keep track of enemy position. You might want to regroup and chase down opponent's weak fleet. Catch the enemy off guard. Go for quick victory! ---------- (c)1980, 1998 Intellivision Productions, Inc. Play this game on the INTELLIVISION LIVES! CD-ROM available at