ARTHUR'S MAGICAL CYPHER (c) 1987 Micro Forte Pty. Ltd. (c) 1987 Electronic Arts 144107 DEMON STALKERS ********* The following tables represent, in function, a compact code wheel that measures about seven inches in diameter. The outer circle consists of a list of descriptions in the following order: Powerful, Hidden, Frothing, Potent, Lost, Rare, Pickled, Helpless, Dancing, Singing, Mystical, Glowing, Immortal, Killer, Fluffy, Rotting, Fallen, Cuddly, Mouldy, Ancient, Giant, Evil, Kind, Super. The inner circle contains a list of adjectives: Squashed, Skinned, Annoyed, Dusty, Feathery, Purple, Drunk, Bloody, Hairy, Diced, Slimy, Tropical, Frozen, Sliced, Fiery, Fried, Flabby, Naked, Wrinkled, Cubic, Steaming, Sleeping, Flying, Bubbling. Within the inner circle is a group of windows that open to nine objects of codes. These objects appear in the following order: Ant Egg, Eyeball, Elixir, Toad, Koala, Oakleaf, Ear Lobe, Bat Wing, Guru. When a description from the outer circle is matched with a adjective from the inner circle and an object is chosen, a specific code is the result. It is something like a three-dimensional array with a code at each coordinate, the first dimension being the description, the second the adjective, and the third dimension the object. So, F(x,y,z)=c would be F(description,adjective,object)= Code. There is a lot of redundancy in the code wheel: F(D,A,O) = F(D+1,A+1,O) = ... = F(D+24,A+24,O) for values of object from Ant Egg to Guru. This increases the effectiveness of the copy protection by creating a bigger pool of coordinates to plug in. So, for instance, F(Powerful,Squashed,Ant Egg) = F(Hidden,Skinned,Ant Egg) = ... = F(Super,Bubbling,Ant Egg) = ekonta. To use the following tables, first find the table that features the description in the top row. The descriptions are arranged alphabetically to make the lookup easier. Next, look for the adjective in the leftmost column of that table. The adjectives have also been placed in alphabetical order. Where the description column and the adjective row meet is an adjective in the Ancient table. Now look where the object column and the adjective row meet in the Ancient table. This will give you the code to plug into the game so you may continue on your quest. The objects have been arranged alphabetically, too. For example, let's find what code is associated with the description "Dancing", the adjective "Steaming", and the object "Ear Lobe". Dancing is in the top row of Table #1. Steaming is in the twenty- second row down of the leftmost column. So where the Dancing column and the Steaming row meet is the adjective "Bloody". Bloody appears in the second row of the Ancient table. The code where the Bloody row and the object Ear Lobe column meet is ilikt. The tables have been structured in this manner to save space. Although twenty-four tables of codes would have been easier to understand, there would have been a lot of redundancy, and this etext would have been huge. Also, the text has been converted from upper case to mixed case and lower case to make it easier to read. ********* Ancient | Ant Bat Ear Elixir Eye Guru Koala Oak Toad ----------+-------+----+-----+------+------+----+-----+-----+----- Annoyed | tokkea noke tseki aaskss ikskee ooen alkkk lalao okoin Bloody | leaitt ektl ilikt tkasea iknnti neoo tlalt nilon elaie Bubbling | onlele sila laein saoiki ktioio lloe kotnt askik leasl Cubic | ekonta ktas asltn ealtoe knsoie kiei ieaoe noeaa tlket Diced | lkalsk tekt ieltn tltont kssoil etet sitai nnoki olent Drunk | ilelil taai estot saslke lolkaa late iolll tonsa loski Dusty | tikett nnkl eliel slassn aakkai oala loiio iksnn sollt Feathery | kiosks teks staal satntl ttotol eanl etnts elttk ekott Fiery | kesant nois aatns lalsaa iliiot oeat eeoto eaatk oikit Flabby | noanki aell nilal aensla knkaai kont enlkl oelko teoae Flying | ntsotk sklt latsi eiesio akaiai ieko estlk aoeal aeoai Fried | oeotka lklk oonen ssktkn ksosok lito aoooo oiiol siaik Frozen | inskoi lltk ostlo knaaat ssiknt kkaa osnnl asnse einst Hairy | oatsen stns klsnn lssoea kaniot kess ooesl eisse kolnl Naked | akloai kklo eknie ittoea sokata naae kette iilan akoti Purple | lkoeks oaii tkino nekast oskano neii eoiao klkls nlkss Skinned | liionl iink klltt eonati kieiii koko seski tesnk oanss Sleeping | kktiis olek kkeii eoeoks tiisoi kket ssiks tinea etoae Sliced | italii anos nneis ttoeli koaini oeso tasks iktae aaeel Slimy | tnatnk leis sskis liinss aosels tlie tikil ilnat ekntk Squashed | ilkaso tiks aeini sknols klneen aaas ektso etisi ksait Steaming | atesan oata teeok siltnt itoken elok iento koenl seetn Tropical | saiten stlk ninio nonten kknsio ksnt ekins iaknk kkosa Wrinkled | otliin lssa kllot losioo itosso litl onetl sisaa tinii Table #1 | Cuddly | Dancing | Evil | Fallen | Fluffy ----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------- Annoyed | Feathery | Sliced | Squashed | Purple | Bloody Bloody | Diced | Wrinkled | Purple | Slimy | Frozen Bubbling | Skinned | Slimy | Sleeping | Annoyed | Feathery Cubic | Sleeping | Drunk | Naked | Flying | Squashed Diced | Tropical | Steaming | Bloody | Frozen | Fiery Drunk | Hairy | Naked | Feathery | Diced | Tropical Dusty | Purple | Fiery | Skinned | Drunk | Hairy Feathery | Drunk | Fried | Annoyed | Bloody | Diced Fiery | Flabby | Skinned | Frozen | Naked | Cubic Flabby | Wrinkled | Dusty | Fiery | Cubic | Sleeping Flying | Squashed | Diced | Steaming | Skinned | Dusty Fried | Naked | Annoyed | Sliced | Wrinkled | Steaming Frozen | Fiery | Bubbling | Slimy | Fried | Naked Hairy | Slimy | Cubic | Drunk | Tropical | Sliced Naked | Cubic | Feathery | Fried | Steaming | Flying Purple | Bloody | Flabby | Dusty | Hairy | Slimy Skinned | Dusty | Frozen | Bubbling | Feathery | Drunk Sleeping | Bubbling | Hairy | Cubic | Squashed | Annoyed Sliced | Fried | Squashed | Tropical | Flabby | Wrinkled Slimy | Frozen | Sleeping | Hairy | Sliced | Fried Squashed | Annoyed | Tropical | Flying | Dusty | Purple Steaming | Flying | Bloody | Wrinkled | Bubbling | Skinned Tropical | Sliced | Flying | Diced | Fiery | Flabby Wrinkled | Steaming | Purple | Flabby | Sleeping | Bubbling Table #2 | Frothing | Giant | Glowing | Helpless | Hidden ----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------- Annoyed | Cubic | Skinned | Slimy | Fiery | Steaming Bloody | Squashed | Drunk | Fried | Cubic | Skinned Bubbling | Flabby | Flying | Bloody | Tropical | Naked Cubic | Frozen | Wrinkled | Dusty | Bloody | Sliced Diced | Annoyed | Hairy | Naked | Sleeping | Dusty Drunk | Bubbling | Purple | Fiery | Wrinkled | Squashed Dusty | Steaming | Annoyed | Tropical | Fried | Sleeping Feathery | Sleeping | Dusty | Frozen | Flabby | Flying Fiery | Bloody | Sliced | Flying | Annoyed | Hairy Flabby | Diced | Fried | Squashed | Feathery | Slimy Flying | Fried | Sleeping | Drunk | Slimy | Flabby Fried | Hairy | Fiery | Bubbling | Dusty | Diced Frozen | Purple | Tropical | Steaming | Squashed | Drunk Hairy | Skinned | Bloody | Flabby | Steaming | Annoyed Naked | Slimy | Flabby | Skinned | Purple | Tropical Purple | Flying | Feathery | Sliced | Naked | Bubbling Skinned | Wrinkled | Squashed | Diced | Sliced | Cubic Sleeping | Fiery | Steaming | Purple | Diced | Fried Sliced | Drunk | Frozen | Sleeping | Skinned | Bloody Slimy | Dusty | Diced | Wrinkled | Flying | Feathery Squashed | Naked | Bubbling | Hairy | Frozen | Wrinkled Steaming | Sliced | Cubic | Feathery | Hairy | Fiery Tropical | Feathery | Slimy | Cubic | Bubbling | Purple Wrinkled | Tropical | Naked | Annoyed | Drunk | Frozen Table #3 | Immortal | Killer | Kind | Lost | Mouldy ----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------- Annoyed | Diced | Hairy | Bubbling | Naked | Dusty Bloody | Fiery | Sliced | Feathery | Flying | Hairy Bubbling | Drunk | Purple | Steaming | Fiery | Squashed Cubic | Annoyed | Skinned | Flabby | Slimy | Steaming Diced | Flabby | Fried | Drunk | Squashed | Slimy Drunk | Sliced | Frozen | Dusty | Sleeping | Bloody Dusty | Slimy | Diced | Squashed | Wrinkled | Feathery Feathery | Tropical | Slimy | Skinned | Cubic | Purple Fiery | Sleeping | Steaming | Tropical | Purple | Fried Flabby | Bubbling | Flying | Sliced | Bloody | Naked Flying | Purple | Feathery | Cubic | Sliced | Bubbling Fried | Flying | Sleeping | Frozen | Drunk | Flabby Frozen | Cubic | Wrinkled | Diced | Dusty | Sliced Hairy | Fried | Fiery | Purple | Bubbling | Diced Naked | Squashed | Bubbling | Fiery | Hairy | Wrinkled Purple | Frozen | Tropical | Annoyed | Steaming | Drunk Skinned | Hairy | Bloody | Flying | Flabby | Annoyed Sleeping | Feathery | Dusty | Wrinkled | Frozen | Flying Sliced | Steaming | Cubic | Slimy | Feathery | Fiery Slimy | Naked | Flabby | Bloody | Skinned | Tropical Squashed | Bloody | Drunk | Sleeping | Fried | Skinned Steaming | Dusty | Annoyed | Naked | Tropical | Sleeping Tropical | Wrinkled | Naked | Hairy | Annoyed | Frozen Wrinkled | Skinned | Squashed | Fried | Diced | Cubic Table #4 | Mystical | Pickled | Potent | Powerful | Rare ----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------- Annoyed | Tropical | Fried | Wrinkled | Sleeping | Flabby Bloody | Flabby | Steaming | Bubbling | Annoyed | Sleeping Bubbling | Hairy | Frozen | Fried | Wrinkled | Sliced Cubic | Feathery | Hairy | Tropical | Fiery | Diced Diced | Wrinkled | Flying | Skinned | Feathery | Bubbling Drunk | Fried | Cubic | Flying | Skinned | Steaming Dusty | Frozen | Flabby | Cubic | Flying | Naked Feathery | Sliced | Naked | Steaming | Bubbling | Wrinkled Fiery | Bubbling | Dusty | Drunk | Diced | Feathery Flabby | Skinned | Purple | Hairy | Tropical | Drunk Flying | Bloody | Tropical | Fiery | Naked | Frozen Fried | Squashed | Feathery | Bloody | Slimy | Purple Frozen | Sleeping | Skinned | Feathery | Bloody | Annoyed Hairy | Naked | Sleeping | Squashed | Dusty | Flying Naked | Annoyed | Drunk | Diced | Frozen | Bloody Purple | Fiery | Wrinkled | Sleeping | Squashed | Cubic Skinned | Slimy | Fiery | Naked | Steaming | Fried Sleeping | Drunk | Slimy | Sliced | Flabby | Tropical Sliced | Flying | Annoyed | Purple | Hairy | Dusty Slimy | Cubic | Bubbling | Annoyed | Purple | Squashed Squashed | Diced | Sliced | Flabby | Cubic | Fiery Steaming | Purple | Diced | Frozen | Fried | Slimy Tropical | Steaming | Squashed | Dusty | Drunk | Skinned Wrinkled | Dusty | Bloody | Slimy | Sliced | Hairy Table #5 | Rotting | Singing | Super ----------+-----------+-----------+---------- Annoyed | Drunk | Frozen | Flying Bloody | Tropical | Naked | Dusty Bubbling | Dusty | Diced | Cubic Cubic | Bubbling | Purple | Fried Diced | Sliced | Cubic | Purple Drunk | Slimy | Flabby | Annoyed Dusty | Bloody | Sliced | Bubbling Feathery | Hairy | Fiery | Squashed Fiery | Wrinkled | Squashed | Slimy Flabby | Steaming | Annoyed | Frozen Flying | Annoyed | Hairy | Wrinkled Fried | Cubic | Skinned | Tropical Frozen | Flabby | Flying | Hairy Hairy | Frozen | Wrinkled | Feathery Naked | Sleeping | Dusty | Sliced Purple | Diced | Fried | Skinned Skinned | Purple | Tropical | Sleeping Sleeping | Skinned | Bloody | Naked Sliced | Naked | Bubbling | Diced Slimy | Fiery | Steaming | Drunk Squashed | Feathery | Slimy | Steaming Steaming | Squashed | Drunk | Flabby Tropical | Fried | Sleeping | Bloody Wrinkled | Flying | Feathery | Fiery ********* End of the Project 64 etext of the Demon Stalkers code wheel. *********