Aztec Challenge The game begins with the Cosmi logo and the title followed by the player option selection. You may choose to play as one player by pressing the function key F1; or opt for two players by pressing F3. Important note: Until you have pressed one of the function keys, the screen wil display short previews of the next seven levels you are about to face. Next, the scorecard will appear showing Player 1 and Player 2 level and phase information as well as scores and a brief instruction for the upcoming challenge. Important note: Since joystick functions change from level to level, it is important to read these instructions until you are familiar with each level variation. Flashing in the middle of the screen is the player indicator, which keeps track of whose turn it is. Press the fire button on the joystick to begin the challenge. Each level will offer five lives with which to complete the ordeal. If you use up all five lives without succeeding then the scorecard returns and, if two players, it will now be player 2's turn. As long as you are unsuccessful you stay at the same level. During each level, except level 5, the changing and building of the background music will indicate the extent of your progress. You will score points for individual achievements and receive bonus points for completing the challenge. When all seven challenges have been successfully completed the game will continue directly into the next higher phase of difficulty. Note: the RUN/STOP key on the Commodore keyboard will start the game from the very beginning if so desired. ********* End of the Project 64 etext of the Aztec Challenge instructions. *********