Psychic Detective takes the point-and-click genre in a really interest direction, but that also means it's not a traditional p&c. I liked it tho.

Silverload is a decent horror-western p&c, but there are some cheap deaths to be had, so save often.

D is the horror p&c everyone thinks of, but I hated it. I won't get into all of the why, but it's short, full of easy puzzles as well as a couple that are just time wasters, and the voice acting and story are atrocious and stupid. Worst of all the game doesn't let you save b/c it has a time limit, and two of the "puzzles" are only there to waste your time. I've never died due to the time limit running out, but I think that's just cheap.

There are a few licensed games, and they're a mixed bag, mostly sucking. X-Files was ok, but short and weird. City of Lost Children, tho, is to be avoided. I think there are a few others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.