My list of worst games for Super NES.

- Fatal Fury: Poor conversion of this Neo Geo game.
The problems of this game:
*No 2-plan system and no cut scences presented in the original Neo Geo and Mega Drive / Genesis versions.
*Enemiesīs control is exclusive for 2nd player. He can plays with Geese Howard, for exemple and the 1st player controls Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard and Joe Higashi only.
*Horrible soundtrack. It isnīt admited in the Super NES. His sound system is better than Mega Drive / Genesis.

- Pit Fighter: Poor conversion of this Arcade game.
The abstence of any fighters of the original game and use limited for special attacks.
Iīd preffer the Arcade and Mega Drive / Genesis versions.

- Mortal Kombat: Graphics similar to the Arcade, but it isnīt have blood or violent fatalities, for exemple the Sub Zeroīs Chiropractor Nightmare, ausence of Arcade endings and playability inferior to the Arcade version.

- Captain Commando: Other poor conversion of the Arcade game.
This game had the abstence of blood, slaughtering and toasting enemies and the robots.

- The Peace Keppers ( Rushing Beat Syura in Japan ): Iīd like the Rival Turf ( Rushing Beat in Japan ) and Brawl Brothers ( Rushing Beat Ran in Japan ).
But this game is the worst of this serie.
The enemies are little and more weak for Beat em up fans likes me.

- Hurricanes: The worst soccer players in the world.
This cartoon is showed in my country: Brazil in 1997 and 1998. The soccerīs country and birthplace of soccer players likes Pelé, Zico, Romário, Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos and Ronaldinho Gaúcho for exemple.
But i didnīt like the Hurricanes and it isnīt made sucess in my country.
In subject of soccer animation iīd prefer Captain Tsubasa.
My opinion of Super NES game: I havenīt play this game, but is based in the horrible cartoon, this game is automatically indeed in my Super NES worst games list.