Quote Originally Posted by diskoboy
Quote Originally Posted by Iron Draggon
Good point! You would think that a game that close to release would be sitting around in a warehouse somewhere. So how do you get one of those CDR's and get it to work on your Dreamcast? I've always wanted to play that game.
Do a google search for "Utopia boot disc dreamcast". Just pop it in your DC, let it load up past the bios screen until you see the reindeer, then without turning the DC's power off, take out the boot disc and put in your backup game.

But if your patient, someone will post the self-booting version.

It's a shame this was never released. It's just as fun as Crimson Skies, IMO. The online play sounded fun, too.
What the heck are you talking about? It's a selfbooting image to begin with. The copy I have boots first time everytime no problem. Don't tell me I'm going to have to start distributing them preburned again. The duplicates were of a review copy if I remember correctly. It's 100% complete and plays on the DC no problem because - okay everyone - ALL DC's have MIL-CD compatibility except for those few rumored Asia only models made later on.

The game was canned becase of the original concept cover art (planes against skyscrapers) and because of the Tower City level.