First off, I am sad that I had to leave my job, but real life commitments (i.e. Senior year in college + finding a Grad. School for I/O Psychology) have taken up most of my free time. I find it harder and harder to get the list done and most of the time I am getting it in very last minute. I don't want to keep the rest of the Wire waiting for my section, so I have stepped down to allow someone else the job.

I involves getting as much info together as you can about all the games and umd movies coming out in the 3 weeks after the Wire release date. Accessories, systems, and hint books are not added, as you probably know. The list can take anywhere from 1/2 hour (during the summer, when very little games are released) to a few hours (like now, during the peak holiday season.)

Any additional questions can be directed to me or dreams and we will both try to answer as best we can.

When a new contributor is found, dreams will let me know, and I will contact them with more information.
