Quote Originally Posted by Ulala
Quote Originally Posted by emumuumuucowgomoo
If you're too stupid to figure out how to work with the AI in Secret of Mana, then you shouldn't be playing videogames, white trash. Take some Ritalin and learn that sometimes you need to devote an eye to objects other than the player character on the screen.
What the hell?!

Why do we have ANYONE around that is CONTINUALLY and repeatedly spouting shit like this to our other members?!?
'Cause we need to know how worthless and stupid we are for attempting to waste our sad, pathetic lives playing videogames.


emumuumuu, if you wanna take that tone with everyone here, pretty much all the time, take it elsewhere okay? We know we're stupid. We don't need your exceptionally brilliant mind constantly pointing it out in every other thread. It's boring already. And it's quite enough.