Quote Originally Posted by Aswald

Why did they not simply backlight the Advance, or just put out the SP? And is the DS really that special?

This is what I think:
They put out the GBA, and that was the best they could do at the time. Of coarse, they knew about back-lit screens, but they didn't want to go and be like the GameGear and make it require 6 batteries to last for 2 hours.
Then, they came up with an idea to integrate a backlit screen without draining removable batteries, and released the SP. I think its hard to compare the GBA and the SP. Of coarse, they both play the same games, but in my mind, they are completely different.
And the DS is that special. Where the GBA can play SNES games, the DS can play N64 games. Thats a big enough difference for me to buy it. Throw in a touch-screen, and you've got one hell of a handheld.
The Micro.... ahhh, well... we'll have to see.