Ugg, I just checked my FFVI OSV and it's from Sonmay, and I got from I think like 8 years ago.

Man after reading this thread again and going back and recheaking a lot of stuff online it's almost impossible NOT to buy a bootleg, but like other people have said, since it's nearly inevitable, I'll be buying all future soundtracks used, that way if I do get a bootleg without knowing it at least I didn't fund the actual company.

Also besides Yahoo Japan anyone know of any online retailers that sell non pirate SDTRKs?

EDIT: are there any good places to download game music? I know downloading the stuff is wrong, but I have to agree with others in saying that it's better to download it yourself than fuel a pirate. At least if I download a game soundtrack it's for my own personal enjoyment, and not to be resold on ebay for $14.95