- What is your favorite game in this system?

It would be between Golden Axe Warrior and Phantasy Star

- What are some of your favorites?

Space Harrier, Smurf, and a few others.

- What games surprised or impacted you?

3D Missle Defense. I was at Toys R Us and it was the first time I experienced the 3D glasses, and I was blown away. At that time, 3D games used cheap red/blue glasses and never gave a rea full colorl 3D impression. It was also at that time I decided to get SMS and bugged "Santa Clause" for one.

- Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

See above. When I got the SMS 3D set, it came with Missle Defense 3D and I also got Hang On/Safari Hunt combo.

- Do you actually own this system?, how much? which models?

I have various SMS consoles, all USA. I have SMS 1 with no built in game, one with built in Hang On/Safari Hunt, and one with built in 3D Missle Defense. I also have a SMSII console.

- How many games do you have for it?

PLast count: about 70. Only 4 of them are UK titles (Tom & Jerry, Ultima, Sonic 2, and Xenon 2) plus one other European game.

- Which is the rarest single game you own?

Smurf 2, my "other European game" No one knew this game existed until a few years ago.