I noticed this wasn't in the guide when I checked. Essentially it's a DVD that came out before Halo 2's release that detailed the "I Love Bees" alternate reality game, and included photographs of players and the entire story's audio.

It wasn't sold, but rather given out at the 4 "training events" i.e. Halo 2 multiplayer public plays, and at 27 theaters across the country. At the theaters at least, it was 50 discs per building, which means there's over 1300 copies of it floating around. Still a pretty small print run, and considering that there's a whole lot of Halo fans as well as players of the game itself who want copies(and those with them are not apt to let go of em), I could see this being a pretty rare piece of Halo memorabilia in the future.

Anyway, I'm not entirely sure if it belongs in the guide, but if the Halo 2 prerelease DVD with the trailers on it is in there, I don't see why this shouldn't.