I had an interesting day.

Went to a Goodwill, walked in and seen a wooden crate with about 20 or so SNES games for $2.99. I walked up and started looking at the first 2 or 3 when this huge ass woman comes around the corner snatches the crate off the shelf and proceeds to walk half way across the store to look through them. She made me sick to my stomach with a stench that would over power a Red Lobster dumpster. To make a long story short she buys 2, one was a Super Mario World so I think she has no clue whats worth more.

Anyway I still bought for $2.99 each:

Mega Man X
Turtles IV

Also at Gamestop I bought 2 strategy guides at $1.99 each

Dead of Alive: Ultimate
Star Ocean: Untile the End of Time

Finally I go home only to find the trailor from an 18-Wheeler upside down in front of my house. At least none of the chemicals leaked out!