- What is your favorite game on this system?

This is SO SO hard, especially for this system, where I've gone through a number of obsessive phases. Overall I'd have to say it's Streets of Rage (the first one). I got into that game enough where I wrote a strategy guide, which was printed in a very early issue of Digital Press (maybe issue #3?), with a complete breakdown of the scoring system which was before that time never completely explained. Ah, I love that game.

- What are some of your other favorites?

The other Streets of Rage games, Toe Jam & Earl, the Madded games up to and including '93, NHL '94, Truxton, Herzog Zwei, Star Control, Gunstar Heroes, Revenge of Shinobi, Mickey Mouse Castle of Illusion, Robocop vs. Terminator, Sonic 2... all favorites that leap to mind.

- What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

I was recently very surprised by a MOVIE LICENSED GAME... "Demolition Man". It's really quite good, and reminds me a lot of the outstanding Robocop vs. Terminator game. Good side-scrolling shooting killing game that I'll bet Contra fans would really enjoy. I've owned the game for years but only recently played it. Then I couldn't tear myself away from it.

NBA Jam infuriated me on many occasions. Until I realized that the arcade version does that too - CHEATS when you take the lead!

- Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

I remember it well. I had read all about the system in magazines before its release, and saw it IN ACTION for the very first time on my own TV set (I bought the system on launch day). I was very "wowed" with Altered Beast and even more so shortly later when Revenge of Shinobi came out.

- Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

See above.

- How many games do you have for it?

I'm just a few titles short of a complete boxed collection! I've been collecting Genny from day one, on and off.

- Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

Well, if you consider the Sega CD a "peripheral", how about this: I waited outside of the Electronics Boutique on Sega CD's launch day. It was the day before my wedding. I probably should have spent that time doing better things, but nahhhh.