This thread is filled with almost as much pseudo-scientific bullpuckey as a creationist website. "Incidental saliva" and/or condensation creates a "conductive liquid matrix"? Hot breath revives "cold circuits"? I-yi-yi.

I have no idea why Googlefest's carts are working only when he blows on them. Perhaps he's not properly swabbing the cart contacts with the alcohol/Q-Tip. Perhaps he's conveniently forgetting the misses when blowing doesn't work, and only remembering the "hits" (which may or may not have anything to do with his blowing). We'd need to look at his cartridge contacts and/or game system to know for sure. But there's certainly a logical reason that has nothing to do with incidental saliva or conductive liquid matrixes.

Sorry for the rant, but my skeptical self needs more than a few anecdotal theories to accept something as fact.

-- Z.