hey i got to start one!!!

SNES no escape - loose $1
new horizons - mint complete $3
super caesars palace - complete $2.50
romance of the three kingdoms 4 - complete $2.50

Intv Adventures of tron white label - $2.50

2600 Laser Gates - $2.50

PSX City of lost children - instructions have cover only, ex rental - $2.50
Wild Arms - $2.50
Street Raquetball -$1

DC - Aero Wings - $2.50

and the best find (for me) of the day....

Colecovision ADAM in box with a bunch of games(though most are copies)

this box is gigantic and barely fit in my back seat. contains a keyboard, printer and ADAM system, and originally came with 3 games. still have yet to test it though..might not work..