Quote Originally Posted by ianoid
Seems to be a burgeoning market. Is there any advantage/disadvantage aside from getting new use out of that old VGA monitor? I would imagine that it isn't as good as a direct converter like the ones that go from Dreamcast direct to VGA.

Is there an Xbox to VGA connector aside from the AV to VGA things?

ian, VGA/curious
The DC actually outputs VGA, the box just changed the cable shape, didn't convert the signal into VGA. Go to ncsx.com and look up their RGB-x review. IIRC they said if your going to run A/v-composite into VGA your better off just running it into a TV. You can buy a Spider SCART cable that'll do all your systems. I think if you run the SCART into the VGA upscanner it'll look good. All the unit does is remove the #hz signal so the VGA monitor can sync to it.