I'm sure some gamers are too lazy for popping games in and out, and that motivates their decision to go digital, but it sounds like a massive first world problem to me. If you've got the free time to spare to play a game, then you can spare literal seconds to swap a card or disc. I can't say I find it any more of a hassle to put a modern physical game into a system than to put a game into a system made prior to the existence of DLC. I mean, look at the toaster NES. You gotta slide the game in, push it down into place, then see if it'll even work properly (and this was a problem even when the system was still on the market), then possibly turn the system off, pop the game up, pull it out, and try all over again ad nauseam. Or with the PS1, people were turning their systems upside-down and all sorts of crazy things trying to get their games working.