22. Kasumi Ninja (Atari Jaguar) 10/30
23. Final Vendetta (Xbox One) 11/18
24. Champion Wrestler (Arcade) 11/19
25. Dead Rising 2: Case Zero (Xbox 360) 11/23
26. Saturday Night Slam Masters (Genesis) 12/03
27. Ultra Vortek (Atari Jaguar) 12/10

Champion Wrestler was an odd duck. I had never played it before, first match I lost by TKO when the timer ran out. Restarted the game and proceeded to get a 1CC...(!). It's very basic (along the lines of Mat Mania or NES Pro Wrestling) but it's still enjoyable.. Slam Masters left me underwhelmed. The whole thing was just Final Fight with less screen real estate. Maybe the tag match spinoff that has a dedicated grapple button fares a bit better.

Both Ultra Vortek and Kasumi Ninja were nice to play for the first time. Both require you to play on a higher difficulty level to face the final boss and get a real ending. Ultra Vortek has possibly the shittiest method of padding by making you play 3-in-1 endurance matches against all black "shadow" clones of existing characters, all while against a drab brick wall background. I can enjoy both for being trashy diversions but I'd say the joke would lose it's punchline if I had actually paid $50 each for them back in the day.