Probably just under 2000. I do keep a list, but it's not 100% up-to-date. With used games, I usually clean and test them before adding them to the list, and there's some I haven't done that with yet. Then there are a few games I've paid for but have yet to receive. And a while back, I noticed I had some Genesis games that weren't on my list, so I know I've made some mistakes in accounting for everything over the years. I also have some duplicate stuff I plan to sell and thus haven't added to the list. This total doesn't include the games my husband and I have bought digitally, nor the small assortment of physical PC games we have. It's just physical home console and handheld games.

It's been around 30 years of collecting for me too, with the bulk of my collecting happening from the late '90s through the '00s, though I did go pretty hog wild with Vita collecting.

I've actually been keeping a collection list since around '99 or '00. Believe it or not, I used to handwrite the thing. I'd group games by system and write them down in alphabetical order. At the end of the list, I'd write down new acquisitions until I had enough added that I felt it was worthwhile to rewrite the whole list and put everything in their proper spots. This obviously didn't last much beyond me hitting my 100th game, haha. I got a clunky old HTML file I've been updating for a couple decades now. It used to be a web page, but now it's just a file on my PC.