Quote Originally Posted by Spartacus View Post
You seem to be very happy with the Switch and that's all that should matter for you. I can't understand you're willingness to give up so much, but who am I to question happiness. You must know what else is out there and shrugged. Amazing!
Did I say I gamed on Switch only? I said I like my Switch Lite....I didn't say that was "it". I haven't played the last two gens of Playstation or Xbox as the exclusive games didn't really do much for me (and I dislike Playstaton controller design-my thoughts on that topic are probably sprinkled throughout this forum over the years). I have two good PCs with decent graphics cards (a desktop and laptop) and I have played a variety of titles. Probably the latest I've played on there is Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order.

However I'm on the computer for work, doing bills, writing TTRPG stuff, etc. So with all that I see it more as a tool than a toy and frankly, I enjoy being away from the keyboard when I game. In my house of many people, I really don't have a spot for a console per se that *I* can sit at. My Switch Lite gives me the mobility with the games I like. I play more Skyrim on my Switch than on my PC. I just got Witcher 3 for a good deal, and I have that on PC as well.

So COULD I play the latest and greatest that's NOT on Switch. Yes. Do I want to? Most of the time, no. I could get a Steam Deck but I can't justify the price to see if it gives me the fuzzy feels of portable gaming my Switch does.