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Thread: Wii U mods,any one done these?

  1. #1
    Great Puma (Level 12) Niku-Sama's Avatar
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    Default Wii U mods,any one done these?

    i finally managed to grab a "cheap" wii u with a game pad to mod, i didnt want to use the one i bought new incase things went really wrong.

    has any one done these for the Wii U?
    i was mainly looking at DS and Gamecube support with upscaling over hdmi. i hear this can be done.
    i went out and grabbed 2 SD cards (one for another project) and a reader to get this going. i'm just about to make sure its fully functional before i attempt, it just came in yesterday

  2. #2
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Pr3tty F1y's Avatar
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    I modded mine forever ago and only recently got back into it.

    GBATemp was a great place to find guides at the time, but I'm really not sure what's in-date/out of date there now.

    I recently used for modding a 2DS and it worked really well. I haven't used the Wii U counter part, but here's a link

    Truthfully, that looks like a better setup than I have as I currently boot my Wii U, run Hakchi (holding B on the gamepad), and then it reloads the Wii U menu with the digital signature checks patched out so that anything you add just loads. It looks like that guide above can autoboot into the patched environment.

    I will say that the Wii U environment/tools still doesn't seem to be as well supported/built out as the 3DS environment/tools that I used for my 2DS (likely due to that system being insanely popular and the Wii U fizzling out), but the Wii U tools are functional and I've been able to load up my Wii U with a 1Tb USB SSD (using a power-splitter cord where it uses two USB ports, one for data+power and one for power to plug into the SSD enclosure to provide it with enough power).

    I recently added "forwarders" (i.e., a title on the menu that forwards either into vWii mode or the Wii VC mode - there are pluses/minuses to either), but there are apps that can be ran to prevent the Wii U from downclocking the CPU when going into Wii mode so that things like the Wii Playstation emulator will run at full speed (there is no native Wii U PS1 emulator that I know of). I just wanted to run Castlevania: SotN on my TV again, it's been great so far.
    Last edited by Pr3tty F1y; 02-06-2023 at 07:21 AM.

  3. #3
    Pretzel (Level 4)
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    I did mine about a year ago, fairly painless process as long as you go slow and read steps ahead of time. I bought a cheap enclosure for an old 250gb IDE desktop HDD and installed all my Wii U discs to it. The handful of GameCube and N64 stuff I play is saved to the SD card.

    I really like being able to use my Wii U Pro controller with GC/N64 games and Wii homebrew like OpenBoR.

    If you plan on installing Wii software but don't want to be assed with using a Wii remote to actually enter vWii mode (in other words, launch Wii software straight from the Wii U menu) you'll have to put some effort into channel forwarders.

    Edit: Also, the GTA3 and Vice City ports are really amazing, can't recommend them enough if you enjoyed the PS2 originals.
    Last edited by Az; 02-06-2023 at 04:30 PM.

  4. #4
    Great Puma (Level 12) Niku-Sama's Avatar
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    ok well i'm probably going to keep using wii u discs but i grabbed a 64gb sd card for the gamecube games. i'm sure theres a way to transfer them to internal storage if i felt the need to.

    i read about being able to upscale the gamecube games, what about wii games?
    its been a while but if i remember correctly the backwards compatibility baked in for regular wii was still running 480 and was a bit blurry

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    Pretzel (Level 4)
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    You can install Wii U games to the internal memory, but not SD card. For an external drive it will be formatted to only hold Wii U games and nothing else. A program can be used to turn regular Wii ISOs and WADs into a Wii U image (including forcing various settings, like Gamepad play) in order to put them on the same HDD as your Wii U games. That also let's you launch them directly from the WiiU menu without having to enter vWii mode and use a Wii remote.

    AFAIK there's no way to upscale Wii games beyond what the vanilla built-in Wii mode will do. There may be a way to force 4:3/16:9 mode to a Wii ISO but other than that I don't remember any resolution settings.

  6. #6
    Great Puma (Level 12) Niku-Sama's Avatar
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    yea bummer about wii stuff, i wonder if thats something some ones working on. I remember, eons ago now right before the wii launched, the press were doing their reviews and some one, i think on destructoid, was going through it and they mentioned that there was an option in the menus for 720p but it was for component cable only and of course they werent out yet. When the system launched the day one patch removed that option and i have always thought that was a bummer ever since. there were pics and everything but i cant find anything about it any more.

    oh well, but yea i'll keep using discs where i can. GC i cant it seems so i'll have to dig out my old IDE drive that can read them and rip em that way when i get to it. i feel like there should be a way for the Wii u to read those too if they can read regular wii discs

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    Pretzel (Level 4)
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    Just as a heads up in case you're wondering, there was a firmware update for the Wii U a few months ago and you can't go online unless you updated. I hadn't touched any updates since I installed the Tiramisu mod a year or two ago.

    The process to disable Tiramisu, update the firmware, then put everything back the way it was took maybe 3 minutes and was painless as can be.

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    Great Puma (Level 12) Niku-Sama's Avatar
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    ok good to know, i haven't connected this one to the internet but i was thinking about it so i could redownload the stuff on my account and have a secondary backup
    i also haven't started the mod yet either, somethings came up. mainly trying to find a place of my own to live but the market is pretty wack here

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