Just letting you know I speak in a language where I have to write everything out, in big paragraphs, sentences, and so forth. You think it is funny I am sorry.

I do not like conforming, but too many of people who are into the stuff I enjoy end up doing so for a variety of reasons. Like how somebody talks to you like a robot and you know where that is from.

- Who you are

I enjoy videogames and made it my life. Then I woke up and found out their is a skill I could do outside of that via my surroundings. Then I discovered that a bunch of people would rather be lazy and have pensions...oh for shame.

- Where you live

Patient Zero does not live too far from me. Funny thing is that I do not have the shot and feel great.

- How you found the forums

Already knew about it from time to time I would run into via the searching. Remember that time when DP physical store had a car almost go through it?

- What your favorite games are

Anything animated. I would have to say that "Street Fighter v. X-men" would possible be the apex after which games stopped being amazing for me. Yes tons of other titles, and yes while their are many games in 2.5d that have shown to bypass the limitations ( like Kirby:Return to Dreamland v. Kirby and Crystal Shards ) I really do enjoy 2d games. In fact I prefer if all games was vector graphics as with flash. Too bad I am too lazy to become a flash programmer, in the case of "Super Smash Flash 2" ( with online play ) .

- What systems you collect for

I am not going to say because the last thing I need is another person driving prices up based on my likes. I do not pay DLC ( if anybody is interested locally ), and again I do not believe in DLC. We can bypass DLC just like making Wii with Smash Brothers.

- What you do in "real life"

I am just a student working towards my goal of making fictional joy. I studied/worked in various visual arts, theater, and some programming. I did tons of jobs unrelated to what I move towards because that silent voice of doubt instead of hearing "Don't give up" or "You can do it"

- Any other interesting facts, like how you

I honestly do not care anymore. I enjoyed video-games no different then the last person. I feel that videogames ( Including comics, animation, flash ) people have been discriminated, and then when we get to the real world with Religion, Race, and Cultures I even feel more discouraged, and even further more income. It is insanity. I wish I could just accept stupidity and be one of the button pressing rat racers of the world. Then again I would probably not be able to live with myself. Are videogames an escape? Did you drive into a stop sign after playing GTA too long, or did you realize everything outside looks like Fallout 3-NV-4-76 ?

Thank you for reading