It's why I'm really not into modern games at all, I don't want to deal with this type of stuff. I have stable internet, but I don't like unnecessary bloated crap installed on my PC or being tracked for marketing or other reasons. With consoles I really don't bother to set them up to my wifi, I never did with my PS3. I did actually connect my Xbox 360 to the wifi, back when we had a different modem and ISP, and I haven't bothered installing it to the new wifi. All I remember is trying to download a game someone kindly gifted to me, and it took ages because there was a type of service issue with Microsoft at the time, so my first attempt at using the online feature to download a game didn't impress me.

This reminds me, I do have a copy of Dreamfall for PC I bought ages ago, and avoided installing because of the DRM Starforce being included. I did download a patch which would allow the game to be played without needing this Starforce, but this was so long ago I'm not sure if the online instructions are still listed on how to use it, so I'll have to do research again. I still haven't played the first game The Longest Journey which is why I didn't install the sequel yet, it's all in the pile of games I haven't got around to playing.

I barely play games at this point, if I have free time I tend to just surf the internet like youtube, or watch movies or old TV shows online. There's just so much else that would take up my time instead of games.