Quote Originally Posted by WelcomeToTheNextLevel View Post
Everything's going to be retro at some point, it's just that technology and trends sometimes move faster or slower than other times. I would consider music CD's "retro" - while the quality hasn't improved, the manner in which we listen has. It's now digital files for the most part. Things like PS2, Windows XP, and 2005 stereo equipment will become retro, it just will take longer than many things took to become retro in the past, because the functionality is improving at a slower pace. Those things stayed current for longer than older technologies so they'll take longer to become retro.
its an interesting theory. I think itll take a very long time for someone to look at a DVD from 2005 and say "woah thats retro." though I did hear someone refer to PS2 as "old school" so who knows. youd have to look at a technology that hasnt changed for decades and ask yourself "does this seem retro to me"