Episode 11 – When I Leave, I Don’t Know What I’m Hoping To Find...

Welcome to Episode #11! In this episode, Brian tells the story about the changes in his life and moving to Florida, gives a rundown on the arcades in Melbourne, Palm Bay and Orlando, Florida, talks about the classic Star Wars arcade game, and wraps things up with a short segment from the road. Enjoy!

Voicemail from Mike Stewart: Aladdin’s Castle

The Show’s homepage is at anchor.fm/coaa, and can be found where you download podcasts, including iTunes. If you would like to contact the show, you can send an email at arcadeaddictbrian@gmail.com or you can leave a voicemail to the show at 734-743-2433. The show also has a Facebook page (www.facebook.com/arcadeaddictbrian), and is also on Instagram (@arcadeaddictbrian) and Tumblr (confessionsofanarcadeaddict.tumblr.com). Hope to hear from you soon!

Story Time – Moving to Florida
Arcade Rundown – Arcades in Florida that I used to go to
Are You Experienced? – Star Wars
On The Road – Arcade Run, July 18th, 2018