One of my best friends came by for awhile yesterday to get lunch and visit. We played through the Punisher (arcade) co-op before lunch.

My brother and his family came by in the evening, and aside from some board games (Blockers, Sequence), I hooked up tge GI Joe pcb (whose sound issue is literally driving me nuts) so he could see how awesome the game is... because it is the shit.

I cannot find anyone who can do the work on that stupid hybrid sound chip to re-cap it for a reasonable price. One guy offered to do it for more than a new board costs. Fuck that. I know how to do the job, but I just don'r trust my hands to do tge tiny surface mount soldering while working overnights. Until sleeping last night, I had been awake for nearly 60 hours straight. I handle lack of sleep okay, but it does NOT facilitate steady hands.

I finally joined KLOV the other day in hopes of finding a reasonable tech there, and maybe some more arcade players.