Seems to reinforce the doom saying I've done for years that people like Sony, Nintendo and the rest don't care what the consumer wants when it comes to supporting previous generation games and the jump from platform to platform. If this story isn't proven wrong and Sony block PS2 buys on PS3 from carrying over, and also doesn't allow PS2 physical media to read so they can upsell you on yet another paid for download of the same game yet again because of 1080p and trophies that really makes it clear. I can't say I'm mad about it, I get it, they're in business to make money, but the fact they're not even trying to pull some halfass compromise like Nintendo did with reduced price cost Wii to WiiU virtual console download prices (I think they were like 75% off) is just slimy. You're stuck only getting what they want, on their terms, and for a full payment yet again. MOst people won't put up with it, but those new to the games because they started on PS3 or PS4 won't care so it will off set the older people griping about it so they don't and won't care. Again why I only buy download games when I can keep a backup that'll be supported and carried over through time (ie: otherwise it has to be very cheap (like $5 more or less.)