Quote Originally Posted by AlexKidd View Post
I thought I already posted in this thread but it looks like I didn't so here it is. It's somewhat in order.

4.Turbo Grafx
5.Atari 2600
7.GBA sp

BTW I did not include psp or ds just because there aren't really enough games out to judge them. Otherwise they may have made the list.
I guess I made this list 11 years ago. It would be a bit different now so I'll make a new one. Kind of surprised N64 made my list. Never been a big fan of that one.

10. PlayStation 2
9. GameCube
8. Sega Master System
7. GBA sp
6. Colecovision
5. Super Nes
4. Neo Geo Aes/Mvs
3. Sega Genesis
2. Nes
1. TurboGrafx/ Duo

I tried to rank them but I really love the first 6 or 7 of them almost equally.