Sorry if I came off a little harsh in my other post I was just aggravated reading about dosbox over and over as if it has just come out. I have bought around 20 games on GOG and have had fun with some of them that have come out.

I just got this cheap and have been wanting something with similar specs for a long time now and just to read about emulating it over and over again it just got to me. One of the games I want to play is Dark Forces 2 Jedi Knight. I love that game and I have it on steam and while it works it gives you zero 3d options just software and it just doesn't work right under Windows 8.1. Same with Motocross Madness 2. I would have to limit the amount of ram in my PC from 16 gig everytime I want to play it.

Any ways I am more than ready for the ordeal of dealing with problem games. I had to deal with it back then too and I couldn't google a fix either. I have been a PC gamer since I was about 5. My dad taught me pretty much everything about dos at the time and I ate it up. PC gaming has been a part of my life longer than console gaming. I had a PC before I had a NES. I still have most of my games. The floppies unfortunately got lost a few moves ago but I have the majority of my CD games.

I also second that it is easier to hook up these systems to HDTVs. All of mine have VGA so it is no problem there.

Thanks for the advice guys.