Quote Originally Posted by cburek View Post
1)What makes retro gaming more appealing than modern gaming like the Xbox or PlayStation?

2)What is the schism between these two generations like?

3)How can younger generations be better educated about classic gaming systems?
My name is David Michaels from Kerrville Texas

1) To me theyre fun and people arent flame waring each other about the games. Theres not the trolling you see with modern games with classic games since the dust has settled and people who know about them are nicer about it and you can have actual conversations about them. Theres something about modern games now that brings out people's bad manners. Theres also no DRM to worry about, or patches to spend an hour or 3 downloading for the actual AAA title to work. My favorite console is the PS2 because of the PS1 compatibility, I think this generation Sony and Microsoft made game consoles into cheap badly made computers that you hook up to your tv. Nothing against PC gaming (I play retro games on emulators), but the new consoles are not console gaming like they used to be.

2) I was talking to this one guy, who a friend met playing Red Dead Redemption, about movies and I brought up the Criterion Collection. I was talking about all these international films and directors who made classic films that are in the collection, and all he said was "I just watch movies that are in theaters..." Its like I was talking about a completely different form of entertainment. I've heard a guy from Play Value say that film has only evolve technically a few times, but video games evolve every 5 or so years now. Thats a good saying, because like the guy I talked to about films when I talk to people who only play new games they get all weird when I talk about old classic games. Most people dont read much, but when they did it was in school and they were mainly reading older books. Itll be interesting when the kids who get all glazed eye when you bring up the Dreamcast talk to a similarly glazed eye kid about the PS3 in 15 years. Another thing also is the hardware difference, graphics whores are too shallow to ever play a game older than them, so you wont win them over like you cant expect a kid who only watches Disney Channel or Twilight movies to sit through Akira Kurosawa and Ingmar Bergman films.

3) Theres plenty of stuff on youtube about classic gaming. AVGN, Classic Game Room (which reviews retro and new games), G4 Icons episodes, Happy Console Gamer and RetrowareTV videos are great places to learn a lot. Actually playing, Id say either buy old games on PSN, Virtual Console or XBLA. Another great way is emulation on computers, its the only way for 99% of people to play a LOT of great old games like Earthbound or arcade titles. Plus emulation on a computer is free, so if a family cant afford a PS4 or 720 then the kid can get emulators and have decades of gaming at their finger tips and learn to love games with true variety.