Quote Originally Posted by danawhitaker View Post
Except used goods aren't piracy. Seriously, that attitude needs to end. It is greed to expect people to pay $60 for your product and not be able to do what they want with it when they're finished. If I buy a book and resell it, the author doesn't track me down and yell at me. ALL industries that produce physical non-consumable goods are affected by this, across the board - the game industry is *not* special.
So what? Just because something has been done a certain way for a long time that is no longer working doesn't mean it can't be changed. I personally think it's greed to expect that you can pay for a game once and then do whatever you want with it. You're also ignoring the fact that software has been sold under a license model for many, many years and your copy of Windows 7 on a disc is also a physical non-consumable good but cannot be resold or lent to others.

I don't have a problem with some type of model akin to the movie industry where first run games are licensed to specific consoles/users and months later games are released on disc at a purchase price point and then that disc can be resold or lent to others. I just don't think the sale price of that unrestricted copy can be as cheap as the individual user license since it can be resold multiple times and none of that revenue will flow back to the publisher.