After many years looking for proof, I finally found it!

Many know that I've kept saying that we (my brother and I) had a CIB copy of Condor Attack for the 2600. It was purchased for $2 circa '92 or so from a local flea market. Around five where purchased and given away as trades, sans for one (definitely one) or two (still debating this). It was an epic find at the time...specially today, when it's considered one of the rarest games to find CIB. What really drove me to find it ASAP was because of DreamTR: he was once offering $1,300 for a CIB copy because he needed it to complete his collection. I thought that was excessive, at least at the time.

After that, I started telling the story and of course no one believed me (with the exception of "tom" from DP (I've known him for around 20 years) and a few others). In fact, a few pals also managed to find copies, though loose, through other individuals or trades, as in the case of neojapan (owns a great, local retro store in Bayamon and I know him personally). But still, I felt no one believed me, so I was hellbent more than ever to find a copy. I was worried though, since it was packaged away and, as many know, insects love to dig and destroy old stuff, specially those that were not conserved properly.

Since I'm cleaning the entire house and organizing things (placing items in my sisters room), I stumbled across a box that my brother used many years ago (2002) to pack away during the move this this existing house. It said "Atari". I opened it, and after searching a was right there...CONDOR ATTACK!

After such a long time searching, it's finally in my hands again! It's a bit dirty and I have to air it out a bit, but considering how it was packed, it's in the same condition as when it was purchased!

I know this really isn't a January find, but it made my day. I finally have proof that we own a CIB copy and it still has the $2 sticker on it!

Fucking sweet!