Quote Originally Posted by Embalming Your Nipples View Post
Well, you folks DO realize, that your outrage over being able to play video games that your want is matched 500% by the folks who would like to continue to bear arms correct? I mean, fuck how many drunk driving fatalities have there been in the last 50 years? Should we ban cars? What about fertilizer? I see that isn't banned yet. Do you realize what out government is doing to it's people? All I see on yahoo is what the president is going to being doing about gun controll. Why is that being force fed to us and not anything else on the opposite side of the constitution? You know, the part where it say's " we are allowed to bear arms"

Maybe if that teacher who threw herself at the assailant (and died) had a Glock in her blouse this wouldn't have happened.

Grow to fuck up America. See your rights and responsibilities being slowly stripped from you and when the government play's it's cards it's all about what more freedoms should be taken away "so this doesn't happen again" Seriously? It always happens again for fuck sakes, doesn't matter wheather guns or video games are actually the cause. then it will be "Well he wasn'y nurtured as a child" Or he was "depressed" so let's concentrate on what was used to kill his victims and what he watched and played on tv.

I fucking hate liberals.