I don't own a 3DS (like lots of people here, I'm waiting for Nintendo to release a newer version of the console), but it seems to me as an outsider that the portable gaming market (including the Vita, which I do own) is just too quiet. I don't know if that's me (as I don't pay attention to gaming media the same way I did back when NDS was first released) or if that's the way things have gone, but outside of a few commercials when Mario Kart 7 was launched I just haven't heard much about the platform.

(Same for Vita - outside of the launch window commercials, I haven't seen much about the system, and I own one)

In terms of penetration (huh-uh), I've got two boys in primary school, and a couple of their friends have 3DS's but most of them (including my boys) still play the NDS.

(Gotta love the tenacity of an 8 year old, who grinds to level up Pokemon just because he can )