Quote Originally Posted by Daria View Post
Wouldn't it be a lot more fun to practice your gaming on good games? Or are you just confusing the word crappy with common or cheap? Just because a game's inexpensive doesn't mean it's not a ton of fun to play. But when you say you're looking for crappy titles all I can imagine is you stocking up on shit like Shaq Fu and Batman Forever.
Quote Originally Posted by LimitedEditionMuseum View Post
You are correct about the confusing of the terms. But Im looking for all and any games now. when I mean crappy, Im thinking Eternal Warriors for Genesis.
This does not follow. Why "practice" on crappy games? Why "practice" at all? Is there some kind of competition?

the crappy games are also helping learn basic game play and button control
Crappy games are often crappy because they have serious flaws in basic game play and terrible button control, rendering them unsuitable for any purpose.