Quote Originally Posted by Bojay1997 View Post
Is "paid his asking price" code for neither of these suckers knew what they had and I didn't say anything about what the stuff was really worth, instead claiming to be a collector to earn their trust and get the lowest price possible? By the way, I just picked out a couple of threads where you guys were the ones asking. There are dozens and dozens more on this board and elsewhere from a small handful of collectors who seem to regularly make these "finds" only to very quickly flip them. It must be hard to live a life where your priorities change so quickly and regularly.
With the exception of the 3-D imager, I still own every item in that Vectrex lot. It wasn't bought from a developer, and it wasn't flipped for a profit. I paid large sums of money for both Vectrex lots I purchased.

Each one of the price check threads Mark linked to have post from you citing bullshit low prices with no source of reference, much like you have in this thread.