Quote Originally Posted by Bojay1997 View Post
...Most importantly, stop spreading lies and misinformation...
Yeah, that's the WORST! So, I'll post some factual information that anyone on here can check for themselves for accuracy, and we'll see if you can do the same.

Quote Originally Posted by Bojay1997 View Post
On the general subject of maximizing profit, I have equally strong objections. It raises prices for everyone on the things most of us enjoy and collect. If you want to be in the video game resale business, by all means be my guest. But please stop using forums like this one to get free information and advice so you can maximize your profits. Stop going out and representing yourself as a collector and getting people who own rare items to sell them to you for next to nothing under the false pretense that you will preserve those items as opposed to flipping them for many times what you paid.
Where to start? As far as "flipping" for a profit, Matt and I most certainly did with that sealed lot we purchased a little while back. The most notable of the lot was Flintstones 2, and you are correct in that we won't release the sales figure. We sold it to a good friend, Vito, and he has made it known publicly that he owns it. I'm not going to metion what he payed for it, though maybe he'd like to share.

As for giving back stuff at cost (especially when you have failed to give specific examples), let's talk about our proto collecting:

- Matt and I own well over 100 protos at this point. We have profited off of exactly 3 of them currently (Hoppin' Mad Kitty's Catch, and Beastball). For those who did not wish to purchased copies of the game, I released the ROM to the public so that they can still enjoy it.

- For giving back, let's talk actual examples of what we've done. Again, misinformation is a sin, so feel free to double check these facts anywhere else on the web:

Unreleased stuff:

Arcadia VI (NES): Purchased by Matt and I for $1,500. Released for free to everyone. You're welcome

Swamp Thing (Genesis): Purchased by Matt and I for around $800 (I think slightly more), released free to the public. again, you're welcome.

Dragon's Lair (Genesis): Purchased by Matt and I for $800, released to the public for free. Yet again, you're welcome.

USA Bowling (NES): Purchased by Matt and I for $500, released to the public for free. Yup, you're welcome.

You ever release anything to the community at the cost of thousands to yourself just because you want them to enjoy something with you? Seriously, one example would be super cool. I love protos, I love preservation, and I've never flipped them for a profit.

I think that is it for unreleased stuff that we released completely for free to anyone to dl, though we've dumped a ton of other released games as well. Looks like we paid about $3,600 for all of those. Anyone want to pay $750 shipped for the lot? No one? It looks as though we lost thousands in our "investment" for releasing these games. Doh!

As for our devilish price checks! Let's point to a recent one:


Bought a shit ton of awesome Vectrex stuff, asked about the price of two items, sold only one of the two, and kept all the rest. You caught us, dirty, lying, resellers! Oh, I forgot to mention. We also sold an item that we weren't looking to sell (the Vectrex Button) to a mod here. At what cost? Gasp! His initial offer without negotiating. How dare we!

Well, that's it for Matt's ONE AND ONLY thread started in What's it worth since 2009, so I guess you must mean me. Yup, I did have a thread 8 months ago that had something like that:


Again, bought a massive lot and was looking for the value of a small handful of items. I did eventually sell off all my CD-i dev stuff...

Well over a year after I bought it. You see, sometimes you just run out of room and you end up selling items for different priorities.

Now, since I posted some examples instead of cryptic and vague posts, let me ask you some follow ups:

Where are these "Regular" threads in What's it Worth? Granted, I do indeed start a thread there once a year (check the math if you'd like), but I'd love to know what you see as regular.

Where is it that I used my street cred and massive e-peen to "get access to items at minimal or no cost all the while knowing you are just going to use them for financial gain."? Matt and I are guilty of buying a single lot of sealed games with the intentions of immediately reselling many of them, but we paid a very fair price. Don't believe us? Ask the seller. His info is in one of the many threads. He got a very nice chunk of change for games that he legitimately got for free.

I've given away doubles of games for free, even unique pieces. Rather than just say that and leave it, I can toss a couple off the top of my head out there:

Gave Qixmaster a prototype of Bad News Baseball free of charge
Gave Johnny a prototype of Toystory on the Genesis free of charge
Gave i2a2n2 a Dinosaur Planet Media binder free of charge
Gave someone a Cadillac and Dinosaurs Sega CD proto for free (can't remember who it was to be honest)

And that's just dev gear. You can hold a vendetta because the internet is serious business and all, but look at our feedback here or anywhere else. We pay top dollar for prototypes, more than almost anyone else is willing to pay. You can see this first hand in open EBay auctions that we've won. Ask anyone who has feedback with us if they felt we ever low balled, under payed, or were deceitful in any way. You won't find any. Sure, you have people that will attempt to troll us, but it's almost always people that I ended up exposing as a thief on NintendoAge.

As for not being a collector, that's silly. You don't have to respect my collection, or me, but you look foolish saying stuff like that.