Quote Originally Posted by VertigoProcess View Post
Sorry to sort of double post but tapatalk doesn't like multi quote very much...

I don't know about this, I assume you're referring to the saturn first off. Which I completely agree with by the way, not having a launch sonic game for it was just a foolish move. But to continue with that train of thought that, that ended it I would have to bring up the point that sonic adventure on the dreamcast was a great game worthy of pitting sonic vs. Mario once again... so I wouldn't say that the saturn mistake killed it, so much as left a gap for a few years...
But in that gap of a few years, Sega lost a huge amount of market share and was unable to recover, even when the Dreamcast was released. Even with all of the mistakes they made with the Saturn, a new Sonic game would have helped at least a little bit.