Just last week received my Supaboy! Ordered from a seller on Amazon.

Happy with:
+ + + Yay.. Portable SNES! Very rad that companies are doing this.
+ Looks like a large SNES controller! Cool.
+Seems to work when plugged into an external TV and used with original SNES controllers, cool!
+Not very heavy at all

=Fairly tight cartridge slot can be scary to push a cart into because of how tight it is. I guess it's better than a loose one, but I fear for my cart's life some times.
=The LCD screen acceptable. Decent color, brightness, about as nice as an early DS screen. Still has blur and some motion issues, but not as bad as I was expecting.
= I've heard complaints about the position of Start/Select, and I'm fine with it. Quickly adapted.

Disappointed with:
- - - - Many of my games will randomly freeze and then loose their saves. Yoshi Island, Zelda LTTP, Super Metroid, and a few others do it often. Even Super Mario All Stars + World froze randomly and lost my saves! These games work fine on my SNES, are super clean, and don't have battery issues.
- Tried to be sure I wasn't bumping the system or anything by playing through a TV with the supaboy on a table, and yoshi would still randomly crash and loose saves. In he last 2 days, went through most of the game twice on my SNES just to test the cart, and it's fine.

- - Straight out of the box the screen had many fine scratches on the top of the screen, and a few stains on the underside of the screen. While these are generally unnoticeable while playing, it's still not indicative of a quality product when you open a box to find that.

- - The sound really is pretty bad. Quiet volume would be fine if they couldn't fit larger speakers into the system, but there is a distracting buzzing that worsens already poor sound. It goes away if you plug it into the tv, but I want to use my portable system AS a portable.

- - As the battery runs down from fullly charged, more and more problems occur. More screen flicker, more freezing, etc. And this starts after only 30 min or so, and the quality degrades as battery level approaches zero. Of which there is no indicator (even though there is an LED on the front of the system), so the system just glitches and turns off when it runs out.

- - I'm not really going to discuss the average-poor quality of materials, buttons, dpad, etc. Those don't seem to matter if I can't really play games properly on the thing.