Quote Originally Posted by Taiyaki View Post
I'm totally with you that the Supaboy picture is terrible
Uh, nope. Never once said that. That's also completely untrue. The LCD screen quality of the Supaboy is in fact quite good. All I've ever been saying is that it just simply isn't as good as the maximum quality possible from the original hardware. it seems to be using S-video instead of true RGB.

Quote Originally Posted by Taiyaki View Post
How could the Supaboy deliver S-video when it looks like an RF unit connection.
Again, what're you talking about? S-video does not equal RF. Look again or maybe have your eyes examined? The Supaboy video output to either the LCD or to an exterior tv via composite doesn't even remotely resemble RF. This isn't even the case with the FC-16 Go, which has a far worse screen quality than the Supaboy.