Quote Originally Posted by ShakeyOwnz View Post
Alright, so my new SupaBoy came in the mail today. I honestly have to say the buzzing isnt as detrimental as everyone seems to complain about. Sure its there, but if your not putting the volume all the way up (which you probably shouldn't anyways) its not so bad. I seemed to forget about it after a couple minutes. The only time I was hearing it was when I asked myself, "is it buzzing?" The buzzing however does not transfer over when you use it as a console (hooked up to the TV, or if it does its not coming out of the TV). I've only been able to play Secret of Mana as thats the only SNES game I own and after a couple finicky starts right out of the box, it boots up first time all the time. The controls are responsive and the D-Pad works really well even though it feels stiff in comparison to the buttons.

The feeling I got when I opened was something that I havent felt in years. To me it was like getting a super nintendo all over again. I couldn't wait to have a game to pop into it. So I made my way to my local collectibles/pop-culture store and bought a copy of Secret of Mana. Got home popped it in and fell in love again. Super Nintendo has and will probably always be my favorite console ever and honestly the SupaBoy did not disappoint me in the least.

On the whole I'd say I'm very satisfied with my purchase and cant wait to start increasing my library of games.
So last night I was playing Secret of Mana on my SupaBoy when the screen decided it wanted to get all wavy and go ape shit. So I shut it off only to find out it didnt want to start right back up, so after about 20 mins of fidgeting with it I got it to work again, but not until my save files were erased from having to turn on/off the system so much.... I'd like to know if this is a major issue and should I send my supaboy back?