Real quick guys....

We should certainly get something posted on the CGE website asap, but there will not be a CGE in 2011. The main reason is the location. Things with the Tropicana did not end well and they (quite blatantly actually) outright tried to overcharge us by several thousand dollars. Credit cards were charged without consent, disputes were filed, and it was just a mess in that STILL isn't completely cleaned up. CGE doesn't make money - it never has and probably never will. So we have to be extremely careful with what we spend and we simply don't have the money to allow ourselves to get ripped-off.

We have a couple ideas as to try for the next show, but it's going to take some time to decide where to try and and whether or not we have the energy to make a go of it again. It's pretty frustrating for us when all we're really trying to do is find a permanent home that's going to charge us a fair, honest price yet every hotel finds it necessary to try and stick it to us somehow or another.

Sean Kelly
(on behalf of John & Joe)