Mat Mania: The greatest arcade wrestling game ever made hands down.

Spy Hunter: I got so good at this game that I would go back and forth from being a car to a boat and easily blowing up helicopters. Today I can no longer get the timing right on my missles but it's still a blast to play.

Star Wars Trilogy Arcade: They let you use a lightsaber for the boss fights. What more do you need?

Double Dragon: I still love playing this old school beat em up. Luckily it lives on in XBLA.

Tekken Tag Tournament: I've spent enough quarters on this game and Tekken 3 to have bought an actual new copy on release day for each. It was out back when we still had actual arcades here so I went to several different malls just looking for new competition. Those were the days.

Extra Favorites

Gauntlet: Honestly I don't even think I ever knew the goal of this game at the time but constantly hearing "warrior needs food badly" was another entertainment to keep me playing over and over again.

TMNT--The Arcade: This was more chaotic then anything else but it was no less fun when you had four people playing all four turtles.

Afterburner: I loved flying around blowing shit up. As a matter of fact, games like this prepared me for my fps phase that I would enter years later. It all started with shooting random jets out of the sky and now I shoot random people out of the map.