Quote Originally Posted by mobiusclimber View Post
Psychic Detective isn't really like Night Trap except conceptually. You basically look through other people's eyes to find different parts of the story, but it also means to miss certain things (it unfolds in real time, basically, and you can only watch one thing at a time). There are also changes depending on the way you say things. I dunno it's hard to explain, it's really like no other game I've ever played.

As for D, don't you mean "Low-rah! Low-rah!" And why does she always look around for like half a minute while he shouts at her.

Clock Tower isn't really a game I'd recommend either. I've heard good things about the first game (on the Super Famicom) but the PS1 game is just... ugh. It's very cheesy and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I also don't really think the gameplay works too well. Being a p&c title, you naturally want to explore everywhere, click on everything, etc etc. The game punishes you for doing this by sending "Scissorman" after you. I never found him to be scary so much as annoying. But I'm not a big fan of running away in horror games. I like to be able to fight. (Granted you CAN fight him in certain circumstances but the game is not very intuitive as far as what you can and can't do... at all times. Interactivity is very limited to start with, and when you're being chased, it goes way down. If you like having many ways of solving a puzzle you'll hate Clock Tower.) I guess it's good for a laugh if you're into cheesy Japanese horror. It always seemed like more of a party game than a good horror or p&c title.
I really like Night trap, was so funny! i still have it in my collection.
Psychic Detective looks really good, check it out on youtube.

"LOW-RAH" I like it how funny!! got to be one of the worst games i have played,

Cheers for input on clock tower, think i will keep away from this.