Quote Originally Posted by exit View Post

I chose to shoot Kasen at first, she died anyway and Zach was sent back to the white room and York asks him if he wants to try again. I assumed it's the same if you decide to off yourself, not sure what happens if you say No to him tho.

The whole segment where Emily was running to the clock tower and it flashing back to York talking to Zach was great, the dialogue "between" them was put together really well. Thomas in drag was pretty creepy, especially with off keyed singing of Miss Stiletto Heels playing in the background, it really captured the disturbing factor of it all.

The ending hints at a sequel and I really hope they decide to make one, since I really enjoy my time with Zach and Francis York Morgan.


There is something that I just don't quite "get", however. It's the end, when you see all the girls, Emily and York (as well as Thomas) in the dinner, and York and Emily kiss. What I don't understand is how can both of them be together if York was simply a split personality? Or was he the ghost of another child? Or did his personality take a life of it's own?

In any case, I am trying to get all those trading cards, just to get the "completed" achievement. Then after I do that, I will replay in the future to get the EASY and HARD achievements.

Is it true that the game will be released for the PS3 later in 2010 (specifically in GameFaqs it says 2Q of 2010)? If so, would there be any differences? If there is at least one difference, it should be the ability to start a new game with all the items obtained in the first play-through, or at least the cards and the side quests related to the cards. This is why I want to get the cards now, so I don't have to worry about them later on in the game.

Also, I replayed the chapter where Zach gets to choose who to kill. The correct answer is Emily, so choosing the other two simply will return you to the selection screen, though Zach killing himself was quite shocking, to say the least.

I really do hope they continue the series. The dog holding Kaysen's doll did in fact seem to leave it at a cliffhanger, so I hope a second part comes to fruition.