If you're counting spine cards as a necessity to being CIB, then I guess I have plenty that aren't. I personally don't, though. I mean, what's going to be necessary for CIB next, saving the original plastic wrap? The sticker on the top of US-released PS1 games? It just gets excessive after awhile. CIB also can stand for cart/instructions/box (or their equivalents), and that's good enough for me. Although I do have some imports missing the manual and/or box/case. For the vast majority, I seek what I believe to be complete copies (although a lot of my imports aren't in jewel cases so spine cards are out of the picture anyway). Most of what I'm interested in is so much easier to find complete than loose, and usually the complete copies are the better deal (not cheaper, mind you, but still the better value). And after all of the ones I've bought, it's a matter of consistency too. For example I store my Super Famicom and N64 imports in their boxes, so I don't want any stragglers.